Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Companions, elders, and camera fun!


August 21, 2014

Buenas Dias familia! 
Lo siento qu no escribimos ayer.   Sorry that we did not write yesterday.  The computers were not functioning properly so we were not able to use them until today.  But, the important thing is that I am alive and writing.  Right? :D   

This week has continued to be marvilous.  We continue finding new people to teach who have a great desire to hear more.  One of them, Soila, said she's been praying for someone to help teach her more about God and how to change her life but no one had come along...until we talked with her.  She accepted a baptismal date for September 20th!   Another youth, Jaqueline, has friends and family that are members of the church.  She also accepted a baptismal date for 6th of September.  We are on fire (hechando fuego!)!   

We are teaching a family that has a lot of problems. The mom is almost never home because she's always working, but we're teaching her daughter, Suseli who also has bastantes problemas.  We ran into the mom the other day in the street and she told us how grateful she was that we were teaching her daughter.  She recognizes the blessing that it is for her to hear about it.

Other great things from this past week...we went to the temple yesterday.  I love, love LOVE the temple.  It seems so odd to say that I love going to a building to go sit for a couple of hours...but it's so true.  There is a very gentle, peaceful Spirit that just fills one's soul.  I never want to leave when we are there.  Such a special place.  

Also, we had something of a guardian angel the other day. While on divisions (I was in Mixco with another Sister), we entered an area that was possibly a little unsafe.  When we entered, a golden retrienver started following us.  But not like he wanted something.  If we were knocking at one door, he was a few doors down, watching and waiting for us cheerfully. If we turned a corner out os sight, he followed us with an expression like 'where'd you go?, are you ok?'    As soon as we left that area, he stopped guarding us.  It was something really simple, but I really do feel like he was protecting us from something that COULD have happened. Dogs are amazing. :)  

One other comment....I'm working on writing essays for Grad School....but it is SO hard!  I literally have to translate my own thoughts from Spanish to English!  Incredibly dificil and frustrating.  I apologize in advance for responding in Spanish when I get home.  :)
Love you all! HAve a great week!  I'll talk to you on Monday!
Hna Schultz
August 11, 2014

August has started off at a mad dash!   This last Tuesday we received our new companions....and I returned to my area!  I was so happy!  My companion is my second companion that is not new to the field.  Hermana Gonzalez is from Nicaragua and has 6 months in the mission, but holy smokes she works and teaches like she's been doing this for years!  We are working super hard and we both have high goals for this transfer.  This last week we found a ton of new investigators, eighteen new investigators!  From there we have to see who will actually progress, so we'll be weeding it down a little bit this week.  It feels so great getting to get out and work hard. 

We had a great lesson with one of my favorite investigars.  She is super sweet and wants to be baptized but she has to get married first.  We had a lesson with her 'spouse' yesterday and it was excellent. We got to understand why he is nervous about marriage. He's afraid of it falling apart. We told them that if a marriage is based on Christ and they constantly work towards improving their relationship with Him, their relationship will also improve and survive any trial.  They are going to pray about it.  Love them! 

One of the most interesting things that happened was talking with a man who wants to know our point of view about the soul.  He doesn't believe that it exists.  His logic is all science built, but as he explained the science of what he believed, I couldn't help thinking of how it is basically what we believe....just with religious words.   There's a mormon message that talks about science and religion, how they both testify of the existence of God.  The Bible says that by at least two witnesses will the things of Heaven be revealed.  So, science and religion are two witnesses of the same thing. 
It has been great being in my area again and I love being able to work hard.  Looking forward to what we can accomplish here in 5 weeks!   Love you all and take care! week I will not write on Monday. We go to the temple Wednesday! So I will write on the 20th.  Don't Panic.  :D
Love you all!
Hermana Schultz

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

July 28, 2014

It has been a ROUGH week.  Emotionally more than anything.  
I have seen my companion suffer so much this week with severe abdominal pains.  We went to the hospital again two times this last week (three if you count the Sunday before) and she suffered a lot.  We were in the hospital the whole day Tuesday. I had no idea how much it could drain a person to just sit and watch over someone.  Being so worried about her and trying to be energetic and animated to keep her spirits up effected me greatly. 
The other day, right after planning for the next day (9:30pm) I zonked out from exhaustion.  Our leaders called us at about 10pm and I answered, but I'm not entirely sure I made a whole lot of sense in my responses.

She made the decision to go home which has been ANOTHER emotional rollercoaster.  More than anything, I am trying to help her be animated and full of faith in the decision, so she won't become discouraged if she does end up going home.   The President has agreed that she could see a specialist here in Guatemala, but her spirits are SO low with this recurring pain that she really feels like going home.  We'll see what happens.  She's going to talk again with President today to see what he says.   
With all this, we have not been able to go out and visit very many people, but I learned in my personal study of the scriptures that THIS IS a part of my mission.  Not all missionary work is to go teach those outside, but to serve as a disciple of Christ and serve God and His children with all our mind, strength and time.  The Lord knows why we are sent to experience different things, be in certain areas at certain times. It could be that WE need to experience something, or that we will be there for our companion, or to be with a specific Mission President. The Lord knows in what way we need to serve and learn.  

  Actually, through the difficulties with my companion, I have become very grateful for the fact that I was the one who was with her to help boost her up and keep her motivated.  It is certainly exhausting, but I know that the Lord put us together for this moment.  What is wonderful is how when we serve one another so much, we come to love one another more. And I have had the priviledge to see her strength through all of this. 

Finally was able to meet our new mission president, President Caffaro.  He and his wife are from New York....yes, they have accents. :)  They are wonderful people. I already love them so much.  I just want to share something that President shared with me, when we were talking about the hardships my companion and I have been passing through.   He coached football and he said that whenever they would lose he would tell this to his team, "When you lose, don't lose the lesson."   Things may be hard...but there is a lesson in every moment.
That's all I have time for today.  I will talk to you all next time!  Forgot my camera today so next week I'll send pictures.
Hna Schultz
July 21, 2014

Hey everyone, I'm much better now (able to sing again without coughing) and we have had some great experiences this week.  
First off, we received a few references of potential gold from some members.  One has a huge need for the gospel, the other is searching for the true church.  It was so great to be able to teach them.
Later, as we were in between teaching lessons, I had a contact come to mind. I told my companion we should go visit her, so we did! It was such an amazing visit. She has such a desire to listen to us, to follow Christ, but her husband basically doesn't let her. (It's such a good thing I do not have the power to ZAP people...or I would send lightning strikes to all the men here who limit the spiritual growth of their wives)  Although it wasn't exactly a 'precise minute and hour' that we visited her, she was SO grateful for the visit and to see that we were thinking about her. Special, special spirit.  
Other was a question that an investigator asked me. The question itself just flooded me with the Spirit. She asked me "Why did you decide to get baptized?"   My heart swelled to remember the feelings I had at the time of listening to the missionaries.  Sharing this with her was a very special moment and had a very specail spirit.  I love sharing parts of my personal conversion with people.  Love the gospel so much. 
I love how the best experiences are those  that are small and simple and help us see or feel the atonement and love of God in action.  
A less spiritual thing that happened lately.  
Where we live there is a field that the government owns.  People here decided they wanted it for themselves so they started building their own little houses of tin sheets.  American Dream style, they wanted to have their own homes and not have to pay rent.  The government was not very happy with this so this last week they sent troops to kick them out!   We left our house this day and saw three police cars.  So many, we thought.  Then we looked to the right.  Five more.... then we looked to the left. about 30 cars!  Holy smokes!!   There was some violence, but those that obeyed were able to go unharmed, but now no one lives there....only cows.    We were super concerned because we were teaching some people there.  Luckily we were able to find them again.  Phew. 
All is well here in Guatemala. I love you all so much!   Oh and yesterday I celebrated 16 months here in my mission. How rapidly it passes!   Talk to you all next week!
Love, Hermana Schultz

July 14, 2014

This week I continued to be really sick. I kept getting a fever in the afternoons and wasn't able to do anything.  My companion called the nurse and may have exaggerated a little so that she feared I had pneumonia.  I just had lots of congestion with my fever.  Received medicine in the emergency room for the Influenza B a type of respitory virus. But...later in the week I got a nasal infection, so I have had pressure in my head for several days.   We've been the nurse's most frequent callers lately.  
I just want to make a short comment on miracles.  Lately I have been doing a lot of comparing with other missionaries and their successes or miracles.  I feel like mine have been so few.  In truth, I have baptised few (compared to others) and my miracles have not been super breathtaking or awe inspiring.  But, thinking about this...I considered that perhaps that is not what the Lord wanted me to experience.  Every day there is some small experience that I have been able to have, I have been able to see the Lord answer my prayers time and time again.  I have been blessed to help work with new missionaries and learn from them.  The mission, I am reminded, is not only about baptizing people...but helping US have a lasting conversion.  I think in many ways, I am being prepared for things that will come.  I am sure I have blessed people's lives, but maybe it has been in small little ways and not through grand, dramatic experiences.  Some people prepare the field.  It reminds me of the people in the Book of Mormon and the Bible who don't have names, but their actions contributed greatly to something that happened later on.  Not all people need to receive the recognition in the earth because it's written in the heavens.   :)   
Also, I just want to share that everyone should read Romans 12 to learn more on how we should act as Christians. It is an excellent guide and something to read again and again.  
I have to get going, but I love you all very much!
Take care!
Hna Schultz
June 30, 2014

I feel uninspired with what to write today. Not to say we're not working hard and seeing miracles...I just am not sure what to write.   So I will write a few moments when we could see the hand of the Lord. Or small miracles.

First, with one family that we are teaching, we almost are always there WAY too much time because the woman shares long stories of her life. But...the plus side with this was that just as we started to teach, her husband walked in and stayed to listen. The lesson was super powerful and PERFECT for everything she had told us. 

Second.  We received a reference for someone who had lost both parents and both grandparents.  They told us that she was almost never home. But we tried anyway. I said a little prayer, hoping to find her.  AND SHE WAS HOME!  They were a little untrusting of us (who can blame them) but the message we shared struck home.  The Lord prepares a way to help those in need.

Third. Our investigator Thelma, came to church all on her own!!! We were so happy! And she had a great experience at church.

In other great news, this morning we went running 4 miles with a member. It was so great!  And I was animated that I could still run 4 miles without dying!  We're going to try doing some more running. Haha, that's what we said this last week and we didn't have the enthusiasm to leave. But we'll see.  
Ok, I know it's short, but those are some of the things that have happened this week.  :)  Love you all and hope you are doing well! Keep smiling!

Hna Schultz
June 23, 2014

Fifteen Months!!! 
This morning started off great with reading a lot from the Bible.  I love reading from the scriptures and especially learning more about the New Testament.  Reading in Acts just helps fortify my testimony of the power of God. 

This week we had the baptism of Maria!  We had several complications with this baptism that basically were due to not listening to the small promptings of the Spirit.  Yikes.  SO important to listen to the Spirit. Do NOT underestimate it's importance. 
We also are teaching a family who I absolutely ADORE!  Zoyla, her two kids and her 'spouse' are listening to us.  She went to church and LOVED it!  Cleared up a lot of doubts, too.  As many people seem to think, she had thought we had a statue of Joseph Smith in the church and adored it.  That's one of the marvelous things with people attending the church. They can see for themselves that we focus on Jesus Christ and everything is centered around Him.  Her two kids are super adorable. One looks like an american, even his eyes are blue green!  The other, 12 years old is very intelligent and bright.  They just soak up our messages.  Only obstacle would be that Zoyla and her 'spouse' need to get married before she can get baptised.  The spouse believes in God but not in any church.  But yesterday he expressed that he feels like God has something something planned for him.  He expressed his desire to have to power to  help people, especially to heal or counsel.  I leaned forward intently and told him that he COULD have this power because it is the power that God has made available to worthy men in The Church of Jesus Christ.   His attention peaked.  SO amazing!  Seriously, love this family!

We are teaching a young girl of 14 who also LOVES to listen to us.  There are a lot of activities this week for the youth and she is anxious to be able to participate. Only obstacle is that her dad is very strict and may not be very happy about her looking into the church.  But....she really wants to go. And her dad has given permission. 

Other great blessing this week is that we had an amazing lesson with the spouse of a member  yesterday. He is not a member, and he is in a process searching for spiritual answers. We watched a short video and at the end he just kept staring at the TV as though waiting for more.  I then shared my testimony that I knew it was true.  His face was different from all the other times we'd spoken with him.  He felt IT.  Still had doubts, but we told him simply to pray and he would understand.  My companion only had one word for this experience. 'Increible' and she repeated it over and over. Haha.  I love great lessons!
OK, it has been a great week, but have lots to improve on.  I hope you are all doing well!  Talk to you again next week!

Hermana Schultz